
    The Ultimate Guide to Understanding Snapchat Planet Order

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    Are you scratching your head over Snapchat’s planet order? It’s a feature of Snapchat Plus that has caught many off guard. This article will break down everything you need to know about it, making the mystery easy to understand.

    You’ll learn not just what these planets are, but also how they reflect your interactions on the app. Stay with us; it gets interesting.

    The New Features of Snapchat Plus

    A diverse group of friends enjoying Snapchat at a trendy coffee shop.

    Snapchat Plus brings fresh updates, making your experience cooler. You can now pick a new icon for the app, see friends who watch your stories again, and even mark your top pals as BFFs.

    Changing the app’s icon

    Snapchat Plus now lets you make the app look cooler on your phone or tablet. You can choose from many different designs to change how the Snapchat icon looks. It’s a fun way to show off your style and make your home screen unique.

    This feature adds a personal touch to using Snapchat. Everyone likes their device to reflect who they are, and changing the icon helps with this. Your friends might even ask how you did it after seeing your custom Snapchat logo!

    Viewing who rewatched your story

    With Snapchat Plus, users get a cool feature. They can now see who watched their story more than once. This adds a fun twist to sharing moments. You need this subscription to use the feature.

    Just tap on the “BEST FRIENDS” or “FRIENDS” emblem with a gold outline on someone’s profile. Then, you’ll know who can’t get enough of your stories.

    This new option is easy and exciting to use. It lets people connect more with their friends by showing who enjoys their content the most. Imagine posting a funny video or an amazing sunset picture and then finding out which of your friends loved it so much they watched it twice! This Snapchat Plus tool really makes sharing memories with pals even better.

    Marking specific friends as BFFs

    After seeing who’s checking out your story again, Snapchat Plus lets you get even closer to your pals. You can mark specific friends as BFFs. This feature puts them at the top of your best buddies list.

    It’s all about how much you chat and share snaps with them on the app.

    For someone to become your number one best friend, both of you need to send the most messages and pictures back and forth for two weeks straight. This way, Snapchat Plus makes sure your real BFFs stand out in your social circle.

    The Snapchat Friend Solar System

    A group of friends enjoying a sunny day in a grassy field.

    In the Snapchat Friend Solar System, you are the Sun. Your top friends circle around you like planets.

    User as the “Sun”

    In the Snapchat solar system, you’re the center of it all, just like the Sun in our galaxy. Your closest friends orbit around you as planets–Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.

    This setup shows who shines brightest in your social universe on Snapchat.

    Each friend gets a planet based on how close they are to you. Mercury is for someone very close while Neptune is for those a bit farther away in your circle. Moving onto how these planets get assigned….

    Close friends assigned as planets

    Snapchat Plus brings a unique twist with its friend solar system. You are the sun. Your close friends become planets like Mercury, Venus, and Mars. It’s simple – each friend gets a planet based on how often you snap them.

    The more snaps you send their way, the closer their planet is to you.

    This feature makes it fun to see who your top friends are. Think of it as space travel, but for friendships! Snapchat assigns eight planets to your best buddies. Your snapping habits decide their place in this galaxy.

    This creates a lively and colorful way to keep track of your connections.

    Planets assigned to close friends: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune

    Snapchat Plus has this cool feature called the Snapchat Friend Solar System. It gives special planets to your best friends. Think of it like getting a unique badge, but way cooler because it’s space-themed! Your top pals get one of eight planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, or Neptune.

    This lineup matches the real order they appear in our solar system.

    Giving each friend a planet is more than just fun; it shows who you’re closest to on Snapchat. For example, someone might be your Mercury because you talk to them all the time. Another friend could be your distant Neptune since you don’t chat as much but still value their company.

    Each planet holds a secret spot in your digital universe—making catching up with friends an interstellar adventure.

    The Meaning of Each Snapchat Planet

    Each Snapchat planet has a unique emoji and role, showing how close you are to your friends. Discover more about what these space rocks mean in your social universe!

    Representation and corresponding emoji

    Mercury shows up as a yellow star emoji 🌟 in your Snapchat solar system. This shines brightly, just like a real star in the sky. Venus gets a heart emoji ❤️ to symbolize love and beauty, much like the planet’s namesake goddess.

    Earth is represented by a smiley face emoji 😊, reminding us of home and our connections here. Mars also uses a heart emoji ❤️ but think of it as displaying passion and energy.

    Jupiter stands out with a lightning bolt emoji ⚡, hinting at power and greatness. Saturn wraps things up neatly with a ring emoji 💍, mimicking its famous rings seen from telescopes.

    Each of these emojis helps you quickly see which friends are closest to you in your very own friend universe on Snapchat Plus.

    Explanation of each planet

    In the Snapchat solar system, each planet has a unique role. They show how close you are to your best friends on the app. Starting with Mercury and going out to Neptune, these planets line up just like in our real solar system.

    For example, Mercury means this friend is your top Snapchat buddy. Venus and Earth come next, showing those slightly less interacted with but still very dear.

    Each planet also comes with its own Emoji symbolizing different levels of friendship. Jupiter stands for someone you share many memories with while Saturn represents a steady, reliable friend connection over time.

    The outer planets, Uranus and Neptune, signal friends who might not be in daily contact but still hold an important place in your circle. By understanding what each planet means, users can get a quick look at their closest connections without needing words.

    How to View a Friend’s Planet

    If you have Snapchat Plus, just tap the “BEST FRIENDS” or “FRIENDS” badge with a gold outline to see your friend’s planet. This quick step brings out the fun side of keeping up with close pals on social media.

    Keep exploring to find more exciting features!

    Subscription to Snapchat Plus

    Getting Snapchat Plus opens up a world of new features. You can change how your app looks, check who watched your story again, and even mark special friends as BFFs. It’s like getting a backstage pass to all the cool extras on Snapchat.

    For those curious about their friend’s place in the Snapchat universe, subscribing is step one. Just tap on a friend’s “BEST FRIENDS” or “FRIENDS” badge with that shiny gold outline.

    This way, you get to see which planet they are in your Snapchat solar system. Next up, let’s explore what each of these planets means for you and your friends.

    Tapping on the “BEST FRIENDS” or “FRIENDS” badge with a gold outline

    To see a friend’s planet on Snapchat, you must first have a Snapchat Plus subscription. After that, find the “BEST FRIENDS” or “FRIENDS” badge with a shiny gold border on your friend’s profile.

    Tap it. This simple action takes you to their unique spot in your Snapchat solar system. It shows which planet they represent in your virtual cosmos.

    This feature makes keeping track of close connections fun and easy. Each friend gets assigned a different celestial body based on how often you interact with them. The closer they are to you, the bigger and better their cosmic counterpart is.

    It turns everyday messaging into an adventure across the stars!


    Exploring the Snapchat Planet order and meanings turns out to be a fun journey. It shows us how our chats and snaps paint a picture of our friendships. Through planets, we see who stands close in our social galaxy.

    With features like changing icons and marking BFFs, Snapchat Plus adds more color to this adventure. So, understanding these cosmic buddies takes your Snapchat game to new heights.

    Keep snapping, keep exploring – your social universe awaits!


    1. What’s the deal with Snapchat planets, and how do they work?

    Snapchat planets are a cool feature for Snapchat Plus users, showing your connection strength with friends through different planet symbols. Each planet, from the inner solar system to the outer reaches like Neptune or Saturn, represents how close you are to someone on your best friends list.

    2. Can you explain the Snapchat planet order for best friends?

    Sure! The order of planets on Snapchat starts with Mercury for your closest friend and moves outward through the solar system based on interaction levels. The further a planet is from Mercury, like Jupiter or Saturn, the less you interact with that friend.

    3. What does each Snapchat planet mean?

    Each Snapchat planet symbolizes a level of friendship or interaction. For example, if someone is your Mercury, it means they’re your top best friend—you chat and share snaps with them the most. As you move toward outer planets like Jupiter or Saturn in your list, it indicates less frequent interactions.

    4. How do I find my best friends’ planets on Snapchat?

    To see which planets represent your friendships on Snapchat Plus, head over to your profile and tap on ‘Best Friends.’ There, you’ll see each friend listed with their corresponding planetary symbol—showing who’s closest to being your “Mercury” and so forth.

    5. Why don’t I see any planets next to my friends’ names?

    If there aren’t any planetary symbols next to names in your best friends list, it could be because either you’re not subscribed to Snapchat Plus yet—or maybe it’s just taking some time for those cosmic badges of friendship to update!

    6. Are there new updates coming for Snap Planet features in 2024?

    While we can’t predict every future update that might come our way by 2024—keep an eye out! The folks at Snap are always cooking up something new (like adding more detailed meanings behind each planet) or fine-tuning features based on what us users enjoy most about navigating our social cosmos.

    He is an SEO consultant and enthusiastic learner. He writes about various topics on Techno Xprt, sharing his deep understanding and passion for writing.

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