
    Rules Of Twitter Etiquette

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    Twitter is a user driven platform where in rules are changing all the time. It might be new but has many rules to be followed. Nothing worse for an average user who can interpret a tweet but, misusing and overusing hashtags which sounds as an ill sensitive tweet.

    Companies need to remember that while using social media, it is users who make their business granted and should be paid more to be a human rather than a robotic.

    Use of hashtags :-

    Hashtags are the useful ones in finding others who are discussing on the same topic, but there are also ill timed, hilarious and insensitive repercussions while using hashtags. Companies have failed to understand the use of hashtags because over using of hashtags has led to the reach of a wider audience. Therefore, before twitter campaign that has access to the organization’s official website is on-board with all the purposes keeping in mind the finer points of twitter etiquette.

    Too many Hashtags :-

    Too many hashtags has nothing to do with the annoying followers. One major perk of using a hashtag within a tweet is that it drives engagement by up to two times more than those that don’t contain any. According to the recent research, tweets use more than two hashtags that drops the engagement by 17% and even stated that advertorial tweets contain no hashtags which can generate 23% of more clicks. Instead of using too many hashtags try to use hashtags for a relevant reason and also their use potentially distract from an important call-to-action.

    Be real not robotic :-

    One of the mistakes that most of the organizations do is to appear robotic in their Twitter delivery. Accounts suffer from that reason being very mechanical and disconnected which makes very hard for the customers to gain a loyal base. The new feature that Twitter has introduced is videos. You can share videos by recording, import and by uploading.

    He is an SEO consultant and enthusiastic learner. He writes about various topics on Techno Xprt, sharing his deep understanding and passion for writing.

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