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For quite some time now, we have been suffering from what is known as an energy crisis. Finding a renewable, environment-friendly source of energy that can provide a long-term solution is one of the biggest challenges today.

This not only includes large-scale production of energy to power cities and industries but also small-scale power generation sources which can power our appliances. Yes, we are talking about batteries.

Batteries have certainly evolved over a period of time. Do you know what a battery is? Of course, you do! It’s the small cylindrical thingy that powers stuff, right? That’s a vague answer, but not incorrect. Another quiz, what is the difference between a battery and a cell? And the answer is, a cell is a single unit of power while a group of cells makes a battery.

One of the major problems that we face right now with conventional batteries is limit to the power they provide and their disposal. Previously, Lead batteries used to power the small stuff around us. That was later replaced by Cadmium batteries and then Lithium-ion batteries. While the power output has definitely increased over the past few years, the means of disposal remains a concern. All the elements mentioned before are poisonous for humans and animals.

There have been many tries at perfecting this. One of the most promising in recent years is the paper battery.

What are Paper Batteries?

What comes to mind when you hear ‘paper battery’? is it a piece of paper being plugged into devices? Is it a paper-thin version of a conventional battery? What do you think of it?

Well if you think similar to how we just pointed out, then you are not mistaken. Paper batteries do actually involve your regular paper, the one you use to write and scribble and do stuff on. And they are actually pretty thin.

The idea here is to make a power source that can fit anywhere. It should not be harmful to you, and it should be feasible. What do you understand by the term ‘feasible’? Well, there have been many path-breaking products like curved screen 3D TV and state-of-the-art vehicles. But most of these are not accessible to everyone everywhere. What would be the point of developing a source of power with the aim to replace the conventional battery if it cannot be bought by everyone?

These thin sources are power are being developed now so that everyone can use them in every walk of life.

How are Paper Batteries Made?

Alright, this is the part where it all becomes a bit scientific. Paper batteries are made from cellulose-based paper. What is cellulose? It’s a plant sugar. For the time being, let’s stick with the narrative that it is used to make papers.

These cellulose-based papers are implanted with carbon nanotubes. The carbon nanotubes are so small that you cannot see them with your naked eye. They are less than even a tenth of a thousand of a centimeter. These carbon nanotubes are lined up and then implanted into the paper. This is what gives the paper batteries their distinct black colour.

And that’s basically it. You have a paper battery. The ends of the paper contain points where you can plug the wire into it. Whenever it gets an ionic source to conduct electricity, it starts generating power. This ionic source can be our bodily fluids; it can be the fluid used to power car batteries.

Their working is simple, and the idea is elegant. Currently, paper batteries are being developed by many different companies which aim to improve its design and efficiency.

What are the advantages of Paper Batteries?

Paper batteries offer many advantages over traditional Lithium Ion, Cadmium or Lead batteries. First and foremost, they are environment-friendly. Unlike the batteries which are being used now, which contain chemicals toxic to humans and other living brings, paper batteries are not toxic at all. They can either be safely disposed of or be reused.

Moreover, unlike current batteries which require a lot of space, paper batteries are thin. They can be slipped into a slot and maintenance is easy as well. You do not need to check them for leaks. They are offered in a protective which maintains the carbon nanotubes.

Another advantage that paper batteries have is that unlike your liquid batteries, paper batteries won’t stop working just because the fluid gets freeze or evaporated due to temperature fluctuations. Because paper batteries operate using ionic medium, there is no presence of water in the system. As such, they can operate over a larger range of temperature. This is one of the most definitive advantages that paper batteries have to offer over conventional batteries.

Future Prospect

Paper batteries can be used for getting a steady supply of current or for stop-pulse kind of supply. Based on where and how they are used, one can use paper batteries as a temporary solution or as a long-term power source.

For instance, take your smartphone. How often have you had to deal with the battery running out during something important? Suppose your battery is deteriorated and you need to change it quickly, but you cannot afford to switch your smartphone off. In such a case, the paper battery can be used to power the device while you change the cell’s batteries.

This kind of example might not seem significant when it comes to smartphones or mobile devices. But they assume special importance in the case of computers. Have you heard about RAM and cache memory in a computer? Basically, your computer uses this memory to operate while it is turned on. Any work you do is kept here until you choose to have it saved permanently on your hard-disk.

Now RAM and cache are volatile memories. They get wiped once you switch off your computer. Consider this, your laptop’s power is running out or the UPS supporting your desktop won’t last long and you need to connect it to another power source. In such a case, you can use paper batteries for a temporary and fast solution.

There are many other ways where paper batteries can help change the game. Seeing the potential in it, there are many start-ups are trying to leverage it to develop a better power solution. You can only guess how far this race for better feasible power will go.

IMG Source: Website