
    HVAC Breaks Saturation: A Whooping 166% Traffic Boost with Social Media Contest

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    With a history dating back to about 100 years since the company was set up, HVAC has been serving the people of Minneapolis with repair and replacement services. The company has its specific name in the market but the problem of a saturated customer rate was left in the hands of the digital marketing team to look into.

    The aim set was to increase the brand awareness. The site also needed more traffic and more communication with potential customers and thus increase the sales exponentially. The solution was found in running a social media contest that would give away prime slot tickets for the Minnesota Twins baseball game to the  winners. Ads were posted on Facebook and even on other social media pages. The audience was preferably set according to the company requirement.

    The team put in great efforts in the creation of the contest, its rules, social marketing messages, and images. Once the contest was posted, the comments were constantly tracked and progress measured. The prize offered was three sets of four front row tickets to the winner. The participant had to enter in the answers to a question posted on the contest page. The contest ran for 8 days and received a good participation.

    Three winners were selected from the participants and each was offered 4 tickets to various Minnesota twins games. The winning names were published on the page and the winners were contacted to collect their tickets. The company also requested the winners to send in pics of their day at the game and this was posted to the company Facebook page.

    The response received was a 298 page views with 50 participants of which 30 people had signed in for the newsletter. The website traffic was the main attraction as it reached to 166% more than previous counts.

    He is an SEO consultant and enthusiastic learner. He writes about various topics on Techno Xprt, sharing his deep understanding and passion for writing.

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