
    Follow These Simple Steps To Become An SEO Samurai!!

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    SEO or search engine optimization is not an easy stuff, What do you think? Right or wrong? We all know that when any person chooses their career as SEO, he/she should have those qualities to take the website rankings in the top which definitely require a lot of hard work and dedication. They need to focus on various things like keyword research, site building and submit directories, make the architecture search friendly, original material content and much more.

    Besides these, there are lots of things which you need to consider before considering yourself as SEO expert…here are some of them:

      1. You can implement on-page optimization because there is full control of publishers on it. You can determine search engine relevancy with HTML coding. This means that now you can include the keywords which are relevant in your HTML coding which points towards the type of the content which is published on the website.


      1. There is one more trick like technical optimization with HTML element. You can create meta tags, titles with proper usage of headers and description. Not only that you can use elementary steps for creating coding clues through HTML elements.


      1. In this third trick, you use site structure management like catchy URL and crisp short which are really very easy to navigability within the site.


      1. There are some key rules of an SEO. They are HTML optimization, anchor text links, content strategy, slow and steady link building, authorization site, link to internal pages.


    He is an SEO consultant and enthusiastic learner. He writes about various topics on Techno Xprt, sharing his deep understanding and passion for writing.

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