
    Facebook Topic Data added by Insight pool

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    FacebookInsight pool claims that it is the only and the first company to offer Topic Data provided directly in its platform. The company recently announced its addition of Topic Data from Facebook to insights of Audients, which, by far is a whole new chapter in the field of social media marketing.

    The Announcement

    Just like many other companies before it, the topic data of Insight pool comes directly via a successful deal with the company with which Facebook partnered the previous year – Data Shift. The duo partnered together to provide up its data to some selected marketers.

    Facebook described the topic as that the company Topic Data helps show what the audiences are posting on Facebook, like subjects, activates, brands, and other such events, all this while keeping the personal information behind closed gates. Marketers can then use the provided information to Facebook to device a more productive and efficient way to market and post ads on social media like Facebook itself and other such channels.

    Let’s see what Install’s CEO has to say

    Devon Wijesinghe, the CEO of Install has mentioned that the company’s “Insightpool Audience Insights” helps the marketers to separate the required signal from existing noise from the data obtained from Facebook.

    He also mentioned that their joined venture enables marketers to access the market specific data provided by Facebook which consists of consumer engagements and interactions while keeping privacy separated from the mess so that there can be more successful and efficient marketing leads in a consumer friendly personalized manner.

    The two companies, Facebook, and Insight pool says that the Topic data is, as of now available to all the customers and the company also offers a 3 tier pricing which is based on a number of analyzed interactions per month.

    He is an SEO consultant and enthusiastic learner. He writes about various topics on Techno Xprt, sharing his deep understanding and passion for writing.

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