
    Does The New Update Of Penguin Version 4.0 Change The Life Of The Webmaster??

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    Google announced in the early December that Penguins won’t march till the upcoming year 2016. Penguin 4.0 is not so far away for the consumers. The previous version which was updated in the year 2014, October 14 trends the webmaster analyst Gary ILLyes saying that the new version of Penguin will make the life of webmaster easier and also most people will make it a delight.

    The new version gives a warm, fuzzy feeling if we start thinking about it. The new algorithms related to it could make most of the lives of the common people easier and tell think what about the other 49.9%?? The reason that makes a large pool of people who will potentially be unaffected or being less delight. The fact is that many will lose their business altogether and thereby go bankrupt if in history it is an indicator of what lies ahead.

    Google, therefore, has decided to postpone the decision of algorithm roll out in their way. With the evolution of the penguins, bad links were devalued and, therefore, needed to be replaced in order for search rankings.

    Penguins thus made bad links more toxic indeed requiring a link to audit and remove spammy links. Even when, Penguin was required before one was unable to see the signs of recovery which were the real game for long periods of time between Penguin refreshers, making the real-time version which was more appealing to many people.

    In most cases Penguins algorithms punished websites manipulating anchor texts. It was possible for Google to concern the spammy links, now in December making new changes to the reporting penalties that have been used earlier. The majority of the links were identified as outlines. The next level of Penguins would change the webmaster life making it easier.

    He is an SEO consultant and enthusiastic learner. He writes about various topics on Techno Xprt, sharing his deep understanding and passion for writing.

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