
    How to create better Meta description that get clicks ?

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    A Meta description is an essential thing or a summarized content that tells about a web page. Every page and post must have a Meta description. A Meta description is sometimes called the snippets of the web page content.  It tells more about the page or the post, what it is about, the sum and substance of the page. A Meta description should be 160 characters including space. It is nothing but a tag in HTML that summarizes web page content. It is important to have a cut-throat and concise description for each and every page of your website.

    What does A Meta Description do?

    According to Google, a Meta description is not only important to say something about your web page or post, but also an essential snippet that helps to boost your search engine ranking, because search engines show your Meta description in search results, most of the time when the searched for the phrase is contained in the description or the described Meta.  A good Meta description is important for on-page optimization. Let us see, what a Meta description does:

    As discussed a Meta description is an HTML tag that shows the below HTML:

    <Meta name=”description” content= Meta description of the page, maximum 1-2 sentence or 160 characters including space.”/>

    Functions of a Meta Description

    Here we will discuss the way to write a good Meta description, which is important for the on-page of search engine optimization.  The function of a Meta description for your web page is simple. The main purpose is to get the traffic from Google, Yahoo or Bing to click your link and also helps generate click through from the search engines.

    Every page Meta description would be around 135 to 160 characters – You can write more than 160 characters of description, but it should be around 160 characters because Google and other major search engines do not allow more than 160 characters, so better you maintain it. It should be concise and easy to read.

    It should in active voice or direct sentence – Write your Meta description in active voice or direct mode, do not write in a passive or indirect way. It will look loathsome when it shows by search engines. Even most of the users do not understand the indirect speech or sentence written in passive voice.

    It should say about call-to-the-action – When you are writing a content for Meta description for the web or a blog post and use an SEO tool installed on your website backend, you should see whether the write up says about the call to action or not. This will encourage your visitors to click on the link shown above the description and lands on the website.

    The content of the Meta description should be structured – The content of the Meta description should be structured in such way that the visitors found it useful.

    It should match the entire content – Write the Meta description in a way that says about your content on the web page or your post. It should be relevant all the time. So, that your visitors understand about the web page.

    Is should contain the target keyword – Your Meta description should contain the target keywords, which will help search engines to find your web page and bringing them up in SERP.

    The Meta description should be unique – Do not copy the Meta description from the web page content or the blog post content. It should be written unique, easy to read, free of grammar error and follow the active voice only.

    As per search engine algorithms, there is no direct ranking connection with Meta description. You will not get any benefits of a having good Meta description, or keywords used in the description of your post or web page. One facility you will get is if your website page or blog post does get rank and your Meta description has enough keywords that are searched by the users, your chances would be higher to get more clicks from the visitors. It is better if you have a business website and selling products or services because your chances would be higher to generate leads, thus more leads help you bring more sales.

    Author Bio:-

    Sunny Chawla is a Marketing Manager at AIS Technolabs – a Web design and Development Company. Helping global businesses with unique and engaging tools for their business. He would love to share thoughts on content marketing strategy, web design, and mobile app development.

    He is an SEO consultant and enthusiastic learner. He writes about various topics on Techno Xprt, sharing his deep understanding and passion for writing.

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