
    Another Record Breaking Year For iPhone

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    After 2015, anyone of us wouldn’t have heard a fantastic news which I would be revealing it to you now. There was a time of record breaking process and rapid expansion.

    This year’s first month has bought an eye-thrilling news for us. You might be thinking what the matter is all about? It’s all about Apple’s stock value that has dropped $100 for the first time in history since the year 2014.

    As I write this down from a high of just over $132 since the year 2015. On account of some decent rumours that has spread out worldwide regarding Apple, we can conclude saying that it would be a tough time this year for a tech giant.

    What investors might be expecting some sort of bad news from processor after Apple has cleared blistering in 2015? I think it’s the company that’s showing some signs of weakness.

    After high end in May 2015 with $132 a share, it was in October 2014 wherein the company has dropped its shares to less than $100 and there are two keys theories to know.

    Basically, the company traces its worries and issues that keep them awake the whole night. The use of Smartphones was reduced to 66% while ipads reduced to 13%. With the release if its new product, Apple watch investors are expecting what might be the revenue for it?

    On the other hand, Apple’s guidance for investors is eagerly waiting for the increase in revenue. This would be a big deal for the investors. Comparatively, it makes more money in China and it doesn’t make any problem for them as the Chinese economy rocked the global markets.

    All the gains of Apple last year were by the Chinese expansion. According to the reports states that Apple focuses its target on China presently.

    He is an SEO consultant and enthusiastic learner. He writes about various topics on Techno Xprt, sharing his deep understanding and passion for writing.

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