
    Apple iPhone 7 gets a high demand drift that drives up Apple stock

    Initially the demand for Apple iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 plus doesn’t seem much stronger, but now it managed to get high on the win street by hitting the highest value on Wednesday. Its market value has now reached at the peaking price of $600 for the first time. This instant rise in the market values helps to shore up the falling sales. According to reports, verizon’s the volume of iPhone 7 pre-order is within normal range but AT&T volumes are getting up year-over-year. The high demand for Apple iPhone 7 has made the company one of the best performers of the last three years over S&P 500 index. Rise of 8.5 percent has been shared by the company on Friday. Rise of 3.5 percent on Wednesday gives the Nasdaq a positive finish that close at $111.77. Company released iPhone 7 last week that looks much similar to iPhone 7 without much additional new features and fails to capture the market and customers interest. But despite all this, company managed to generate high sales revenue this year.

    According to Sprint Corp. and T-Mobile U.S. Inc, they have received four times more orders for Apple’s iPhone 7 than all previous iPhone models. This means that this new device is well received by its consumers. T-Mobile’s chief executive tweeted that pre-order period of iPhone 7 was the biggest in the company’s history and orders were four times higher than the previous year’s according to Sprint’s CEO. After the two continuous years of declining sales of its flagship product, the early enthusiasm shown for iPhone 7 is good news for Apple. As now Apple has announced that it is not going to disclose its weekend sales number for the first time in history, so a keen eye is kept on the carriers’ report. Apple has now added more reservation times for this Friday. One has to simply confirm his identity and can check that if the model he wants will be available at an Apple store around his surroundings. In addition, there are no reservations will be available to pick up the jet black model on Friday. It is sure that Apple is making all efforts to satisfy its all customers despite limited availability of the device. Apple stock is now up around 10% so far this week. Some people believed that people will not rush to buy iPhone 7 and will wait for next version of the phone for next year. But after the high sale of the device, all these speculations are now gone wrong. The demand for new iPhone is much stronger than all the calculations and speculations anticipated around the globe. Apple iPhone 7 launch was not much smooth because of a glitch with iOS 10 but company quickly fixes it and is now gaining huge profit.

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