About Contacts Database
The Contacts Database is an influencer launched by the Media Intelligence Agency Meltwater. The database is said to feature more than 350,000 international media contacts in more than 23 countries. Amongst these, 28000 media contacts are from Ireland and UK.
The database has defined the research in a new way. Using this journalists, publications and job roles and keywords can be searched. The search from the office of National Statistics has revealed the number of PR Professionals is to increase by 50% within two years. Greater number of disparity is being seen between strength of journalists and PRs. The number of journalists is falling quickly as compared to the PRs; still Public Relations Professionals have not outnumbered the journalists. Yes, the ratio imbalance has created that actually required communication and online marketing to be more targeted.
Why Contact Database in Necessary
Research has revealed that number of journalists corresponding to PR professionals have fallen by 9 %. This fact increases the need for PR professionals to develop more targeted communication with Journalists. According to the Heldi Myers, the director of marketing and communications at Meltwater, company had to make strong efforts for arriving at a workable solution that could help PR Professionals make international communication more effective.
Myers further told that it is need of PR professionals to reach the right journalists more quickly. In order to make more informed decisions better insights about the industry are needed. This is possible only when a database is available which provides quick stats to professionals and help them shape their strategies according to it. Contact Database influencer is very much friendly to PR Professionals. It also allows in house teams and other consultancies to take advantage of such services and formulate decisions in more informed way.