Lava launched two brand new smart phones, namely the A76 and the A72 in India. Both of them support 4G and are priced quite low at only Rs. 5,699 and Rs. 6499 respectively. A89 is also on its way to being launched in India at Rs. 5,999.
What’s common among these phones?
All of the 3 smart phones running on Android 5.1 Lollipop pack in a powerful quad core 1.5 GHz processor with 1 GB of LPDDR3 RAM. All of them have a 5 MP rear facing the camera and comes with an LED flash. Each has onboard storage of 8 GB and has options for micro SD expandability of up to 64 GB. All three are 4G LTE equipped, with Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, Micro USB and GPS being the common factor among all smart phones nowadays.
What’s different?
The Lava A89 and A72 are confirmed to receive the Marshmallow (Android 6.0) update in the near future.
- A76 – has a 0.3 MP Front Facing Cam which is of VGA quality, a decent 1850 mAh battery, and a 4.5-inch screen size.
- A72 – however, has a 5-inch screen size, bigger 2500 mAh battery, and a pretty good 5 MP Front facing Cam.
- An 89 – sits somewhere in the middle of the two sporting a 2 MP front cam, a decent-ish 2000 mAh battery, and the same 5-inch screen size as its older sibling.
As claimed by the company, there have been many enhancements and added features that are done to the software of each of these phones. Some of them include features like smart gestures on the screen, PIP (picture in picture) mode for the native video player and even a feature that allows the user to play music when the display is switched off – Smart Music Player.
Moreover, there are some additional features which include automatic recording, mute the running music or video when the phone is flipped and an LED indicator flash during incoming calls like in the iPhone are some of the additions. Even though these features are mainly old school, but still are a nice addition to have in budget smart phones like these.