With technological advancements there are several things that are getting connected to the internet and smartphones. Have a look at some gadgets available in the market currently, which have gone out of the way to become too much technized.
Sensor Dustbins: These dustbins come with equipped sensors by Enevo and it keeps track of the fullness of the bin. The data from the sensor housed bins are transmitted to a central system which gives information to the trucks when it is time to pick up a bin. Twitter feed in the name of” trashcanlife” updates the bin status.
My Flow Tampons: The nightmare in the life of women is in having a menstrual leakage due to a full tampoon. Women always wonder if there was some way to know when it is full. The newest technology has done just that with the tampoon that notified through Bluetooth when the tampon is full.
Thermos Hydration Flasks: Thermos has released its tech water bottle that connects to a smartphone app and sends notification when it is time for the next sip. This has been aimed at the It professional and hand workers who face dehydration issues as they do not care for drinking water.
Smart Pill: Most of the time we will our pills but it is not the same when we have someone to remind. This pill box is connected to your smartphone and sends an alert to take the pill along with the box opening up with the medicines. It even sends warning to connected people if the person misses his dose.
Fitness Track Shorts: These shorts/ leggings come with a sensor tracker in the waist band which connects to the phone app. This sends out information on the body fitness and the app in turn gives advices on how to work out better to get a better body.