
    E! Gets Interactive With Facebook Daily Live

    NBC Universal’s E! Cable network is launching a twenty-minute entertainment news and gossip talk show. E! Is your one-stop source for news about which celeb is making out with another, taking its brand of journalism to Facebook.

    Mark Zuckerberg Facebook CEO has landed the live programming that he has been jonesing for months.

    Live Show gets interactive in the following way –

    • According to the reports Facebook has inked a deal with E! In order to stream a live talk show on Facebook. The show was named as “Live from E!”, which will stream daily from 12.30 p.m. starting from March 21 live.
    • This deal is a big achievement for companies as 9 million people have linked E! Facebook page that has generated something around 55 million views on the social networking platform.
    • Social networking sites have become even more popular now with these types of entertainment channels that make users more comfortable in knowing the news around the world right from their accounts.
    • Facebook has succeeded in expanding its services to the users with the live content, plans to collaborate with the NBC’s Universal element E! Entertainment channel.
    • The studio-based entertainment channel has landed the live-streaming platform through Facebook’s live’s single camera platform.
    • E! News host directly speaks to a global audience with a 15-20 minute series to stream daily. They are still doing it from a new desk for better improvement and to fit Facebook’s screen size.
    • The new live show includes a 60-inch monitor which allows the digital audience to watch and hear the live show content that also includes graphics and stills in the same shot as the hosts continue with a discussion.
    • The E! Online app follows the cable network that goes in another direction by developing a show weekly for the YouTube stars.
    He is an SEO consultant and enthusiastic learner. He writes about various topics on Techno Xprt, sharing his deep understanding and passion for writing.

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